I found that the world is reality.
I have been told that I am MOPE: according to her, she explains to me that it means: sit around and feel sorry for your own self. That's mean to her again, I am now 自己可怜自己 again.
What a sad word to describe me.
Recently, I am very reluctant to work. I am always in depressed mode, what add in more is sometimes the headache that onset once I step into the clinical.
I understood that the real world is really full of reality, the relationship between the superior and inferior in working life is that complex and damn irritating. I try to prove something that I know and yet the knowing of something isn't that complete and I unable to give a proper explanation, I hate myself being like that, because in the end I am the one scolded to be the stubborn one and not listening to the other party.
Sometimes a lot of things just happen in their special way. Words are beyond to describe it, and nobody will understand it.
Ultimately, you have to pick yourself up on your own to avoid being said that you are MOPE, and carry on with life.
I just wanna go back to my hometown now.
我十三天前的一个夜班, 一个八十多岁的病人折腾了我一整个晚上。
老公公他要下床说走走,辗转不安的, 还拔了喂食管威胁护士,说是没人理他,他才这么做。气煞我了, 那一晚我很大声地劝说公公不要乱动,绑紧他的手,再三警告公公。他很生气,直骂我不要对他大声嚷嚷。反反复复一整晚,折磨我这一个担当护士。
公公你可以醒来吗?我宁愿你臭骂我一顿, 快点醒来,我只想要你快点醒来,我愿意让你再折腾我一翻!!!
老公公他要下床说走走,辗转不安的, 还拔了喂食管威胁护士,说是没人理他,他才这么做。气煞我了, 那一晚我很大声地劝说公公不要乱动,绑紧他的手,再三警告公公。他很生气,直骂我不要对他大声嚷嚷。反反复复一整晚,折磨我这一个担当护士。
公公你可以醒来吗?我宁愿你臭骂我一顿, 快点醒来,我只想要你快点醒来,我愿意让你再折腾我一翻!!!
By Owen Yap ( 叶剑锋 )
这句话冒得是时候, 最近的事儿太多, 所以都有一直在祈求想要比较平静些, 但偏偏梦与实却恰恰相逆。
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

这句话冒得是时候, 最近的事儿太多, 所以都有一直在祈求想要比较平静些, 但偏偏梦与实却恰恰相逆。
但,昨晚值夜晚的夜休时, 看了看面子书,看到这句话后,它就这么一直在提醒我。提醒我,提醒我。
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